A row isĪdded to the test.summary ame for the term that is tested. Whether nonsignificant terms are dropped is controlled by įor random terms and for fixed terms. Used otherwise wald.asreml is called to add it to the asrtests If this is available in the asrtests object, it is Statistics is extracted from the pseudo-anova table produced by If the newly fitted model is retained, any boundary terms are then removedįor a fixed term, the probability of the Wald It compares the fit of the model inĪsreml.obj and the newly fitted model without the term. The term must be in the fitted model.Ī random term is removed from the model fit and a REML likelihood ratio test is Testranfix.asreml: Tests for a single fixed or random term in model fitted using asreml Description Tests for a single term, using a REML LRT for a random term or based